Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Outdoor Kitchen (almost)

   Our latest project is the fire pit,brick oven,& grill all in one! I am so excited about it hopefully it will be finished by  grilling time.
   The kids are so excited about summer and so am I. We planted a garden this weekend a very large garden! I will be canning and freezing like a mad woman this summer. I love to watch the plants pop out of the ground for now everything is just fun. The work is just around the corner.
    I am so excited to have Keith come down to visit me this weekend and to meet his new girlfriend!
This month has been crazy and its not over yet. I had no Idea there were so many field trips at the end of the year. Well, its been even crazier cause they have all had to be rescheduled because they got rained out. We are so excited to get out of school these kiddo's have worked hard and had a lot of adjusting to a new school and a new house! We have  a camping trip scheduled for the end of the school year I know that will be a great way to celebrate! Hope you have a great May and enjoy this lovely warm Sunshine!

Friday, April 15, 2011


Andy cut the grass the cause it was so tall! Notice my beautiful ferns on the porch! I think dream is complete I have been picturing those ferns sitting there for about a year now. I am so happy to be living here, now if I could just figure out how to clean the whole house in one day good grief. I really didn't know what I was getting into.We just saw a rainbow it has been storming all day and still is a threat of severe weather. The sun came out just long enough to show us this

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Chatanooga Pictures

Lovers leap

Swimmin with the fishes at the aquarium.

Ruby Falls

Lookout Mt.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy New year!

Our holidays were different this year we didn't go to Ohio this year and with mamma being gone it was hard. We did our usual breakfast at the Browns that's always great! After that we made a big buffet of chili and tater soup and lots of  other stuff  and waited for Nate and Bethany to come we had a great time! After Christmas we went to Chattanooga for Chris and Tara's wedding. We went a little early and went to see Rock City and  Ruby Falls that Friday. Saturday we went to the Aquarium that was a blast a little rushed but maybe we will go back some other time I loved it.
    After that we went home and all came down with the Flu! It worked out really well because the schools were out for snow Jan 10-14 a whole week! Nobody missed any school for the flu thanks to the snow! Andy still went to work though. I am a little tired of the snow days we are out again today.The snow is so beautiful but I feel sorry for the teachers having to worry about getting the work done I know how it is. The kids are so excited about snow days because we didn't take days off for snow in Home School.
    Daddy is now a full time preacher again at Adams Church of Christ! It is a blessing because he is retiring from BKA in Feb. We went up there on the 15th his first official Sunday as the preacher and everyone was so nice. They have a beautiful building and it is not that far away so we can visit when Andy's not teaching a class.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

Planting Grass

The weekend before holloween we rented a straw blower and seeded and strawed the whole place. It was so dry and dusty every step you took went "poof" because of the harley raking they did earlier. It had been a several weeks with hardly any rain. After we did this, that night it poured and rained several days in a row after that.God is so good  he was just waiting for us to get out seed in the ground. The guys worked very hard the boys were a big help.