Monday, October 19, 2009

We Have Walls!

Andy in the soot mess

bathroom & master bedroom walls

We are getting more walls as I write this!

Saturday we all were there working with the framers and Andy helped put our bedroom wall up! That was really neat, the whole process is amazing we tell them where we want a wall and they build it right then and there. Some of these pictures were taken Saturday with just outside walls and some were taken Monday after they worked Sunday and built several interior walls. I never
knew building a house would be so much fun. Sharing it with all of you is
half the fun! I didn't take any pictures but we knocked down the last chimney Saturday.I have never seen so much black soot and it got everywhere! I had it all over my face the kids looked like little cats their noses were black! Thank goodness Casey had Katie Ann or she would have jumped in it... poof! When I washed my hair that evening black water ran off my hair. I hope that is the last big mess, I know that's not true but let me hope.

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