Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend

This Thanksgiving weekend we had 4 days to work over there and it seemed to fly by. Thursday we burned the decking, Friday we picked up scrap wood, met with the electrician . Friday night we went to Home Depot to get all the electrical supplies the electrician met us there to help us. After that we met up with Casey and Kyle to get Katie Ann at CiCi's.We were so dirty I was ashamed to be in public. We are trying to do all the wiring and think of all the speaker, computer wires and anything else we need to do before the drywall goes up. We need help, if you know of any other wires we should shove in the walls let me know. We also have plumbing starting the picture above is the laundry room pipes the bathrooms also have some pipes! Saturday Andy went Duck Hunting we met him over at the house around lunch time . The roof is almost done we ran out of shingles, we just need to finish the dormers and the corner. Some windows are in, the front ones on the porch and the back side of the house.The dining room and bathroom windows are in the picture above. Katie Ann got discouraged and said she was," getting tired of the new house" It was a long weekend for her, Casey took her several times and that made her happy.Saturday night we went to eat Mexican and get a Andy a new shirt for the wedding, he ran in we sat in the truck. Sunday the plumbers worked and Todd put some wood on the sides of the barn. We didn't work because we got to go to worship and a beautiful wedding that was a wonderful break. I pray you all had a beautifully blessed holiday weekend as we did. We thank God for the ability to do all this work , and for all the wonderful people in our lives.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Serving Turkey On Plywood

Thanksgiving was very diffferent this year. I cooked the food and took it over to the house in containers it was not the best but it worked or should I say we worked.Even though the pumpkin pie ended up on the ground face down. I scraped off the sawdust and served it because that would have ruined our day not to have pie. We had more time to clean up the pieces of plywood or decking they had to rip up because it was bad. The framers got all of the decking replaced just as the roofers to start the felt paper. It is all working out just fine, we met with an electrition to figure out the lights and plugs that was better than I thought it would be. I don't feel ready for all the final decisions
yet.I need to get ready though don't I .

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Decking The Halls!

The proch roof is on and decking is going up on the house now. The back is completely covered, The only problem is the Blue decking is not good Andy was walking on the roof last night and it cracked just by stepping on it. It's not supposed to do that, he said the yellow dosen't do that. He called the lumber yard owner at home and he said he would call GP the makers of the decking and they will make it right.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Barn Roof Finished!

There was a lot of activity on our place this Saturday. We rented a cherry picker to finish yes, finish the barn roof! It was so handy because it reached all the way to the top and even would go over the barn to finish the ridge cap. Bo helped for a few hours and Toby came to help with the surveyers but the surveyer brought his own help. I have never watched them do that up close it is very interesting. I even took a picture of them. Tommy Farmer is his name if you need a good one he's your man. The next photo is where the day took a turn for the worst for Katie Ann she went under in that mucky water her piggie tails were caked with mud! There was mud in her ear, eyes and mouth. We wiped her off and changed her clothes by the fire, Casey gave her a bath later that was a big help! Thank goodness it wasn't very cold that day. Alec has a new project, he has built a bridge over the creek which is actually very usefull. We worked on the barn till dark then we ordered pizza and burned scrap lumber and Andy swept out the sawdust upstairs. I really believe it was at least a five gallon bucket full of just sawdust! I have been blowing the sawdust out earlier in the week so that was just afew days worth. We are very excited to have the Holiday weekend to work this week I don't know exactly what Andy has planned but it will be fun. Sunday the Plumbers started ruffin' in the pipes I think that is what its called so now we have pipes where the sinks and toilets go. I think roofers are starting this Friday after Thanksgiving.

Friday, November 20, 2009


I have decided to start talking about the everyday happings of the family too not just the house. We are really enjoying the kittens even though we still need to get rid of them. Katie Ann drags "puffball" around and he is a great cat cause he just looks at her like whats next. Beth pulled her spacer out this week I had a dentist appointment but had to reschedule for later and she didn't want to wait. The tooth is peeking through so I gave her the ok.I did something crazy this week as some of you know I gave the older kids a blogg of their own. It was to encourage their writing skills I just have a hard time getting to a computer now a days they are all taken by my mini bloggers. They mostly post pictures although Beth posted a report about Laura Ingalls Wilder.It was neat to add photo's to a report so effortlessly.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Upstairs Walls and Celing

Closets are now up in the kids' rooms upstairs these pictures were taken today he is building the wall to Wyatts room Alec's is already up. I know its hard to tell but its exciting to me! I didn't post last week they did all this last week. The end walls are very exciting and windows are coming soon we are picking out front doors now I like the Masonite Craftsman we will see how much it is.

Barn Roof Almost Done!!

This weekend we got 7 more sheets of tin on the barn I was the lucky duck that got to help again. I have pictures this time. We put on a ridge cap on too that is the scary part. Beth took these pictures for me. I thank God for our safty throughout this whole roof. Only one more piece of tin to go!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Dormers Framed

The dormers are framed up, the rafters are in place, and the back side knee wall is up.
The Barn is going good too we got 4 sheets of tin put on and one ridge cap Sunday. I helped Andy by standing on the ladder and ligning up the tin at the bottom. He talked me in to helping him on the very tip top with the ridge cap, my hands are sweating just thinking about it. My gloves were soaked afterward. Notice there are no pictures of that Andy almost took one with his phone but I was getting impatient sitting on the top. I wish I would have been more patient so we would have proof I was so brave, I don't know that I would have had a very happy face for any picture though. Maybe I will get brave again and let him take a picture.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Going up!!


The 2nd Floor

This is the 2nd floor, literally the 2nd floor more to come...