This Thanksgiving weekend we had 4 days to work over there and it seemed to fly by. Thursday we burned the decking, Friday we picked up scrap wood, met with the electrician . Friday night we went to Home Depot to get all the electrical supplies the electrician met us there to help us. After that we met up with Casey and Kyle to get Katie Ann at CiCi's.We were so dirty I was ashamed to be in public. We are trying to do all the wiring and think of all the speaker, computer wires and anything else we need to do before the drywall goes up. We need help, if you know of any other wires we should shove in the walls let me know. We also have plumbing starting the picture above is the laundry room pipes the bathrooms also have some pipes! Saturday Andy went Duck Hunting we met him over at the house around lunch time . The roof is almost done we ran out of shingles, we just need to finish the dormers and the corner. Some windows are in, the front ones on the porch and the back side of the house.The dining room and bathroom windows are in the picture above. Katie Ann got discouraged and said she was," getting tired of the new house" It was a long weekend for her, Casey took her several times and that made her happy.Saturday night we went to eat Mexican and get a Andy a new shirt for the wedding, he ran in we sat in the truck. Sunday the plumbers worked and Todd put some wood on the sides of the barn. We didn't work because we got to go to worship and a beautiful wedding that was a wonderful break. I pray you all had a beautifully blessed holiday weekend as we did. We thank God for the ability to do all this work , and for all the wonderful people in our lives.
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