There was a lot of activity on our place this Saturday. We rented a cherry picker to finish yes, finish the barn roof! It was so handy because it reached all the way to the top and even would go over the barn to finish the ridge cap. Bo helped for a few hours and Toby came to help with the surveyers but the surveyer brought his own help. I have never watched them do that up close it is very interesting. I even took a picture of them. Tommy Farmer is his name if you need a good one he's your man. The next photo is where the day took a turn for the worst for Katie Ann she went under in that mucky water her piggie tails were caked with mud! There was mud in her ear, eyes and mouth. We wiped her off and changed her clothes by the fire, Casey gave her a bath later that was a big help! Thank goodness it wasn't very cold that day. Alec has a new project, he has built a bridge over the creek which is actually very usefull. We worked on the barn till dark then we ordered pizza and burned scrap lumber and Andy swept out the sawdust upstairs. I really believe it was at least a five gallon bucket full of just sawdust! I have been blowing the sawdust out earlier in the week so that was just afew days worth. We are very excited to have the Holiday weekend to work this week I don't know exactly what Andy has planned but it will be fun. Sunday the Plumbers started ruffin' in the pipes I think that is what its called so now we have pipes where the sinks and toilets go. I think roofers are starting this Friday after Thanksgiving.
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