Thanksgiving was very diffferent this year. I cooked the food and took it over to the house in containers it was not the best but it worked or should I say we worked.Even though the pumpkin pie ended up on the ground face down. I scraped off the sawdust and served it because that would have ruined our day not to have pie. We had more time to clean up the pieces of plywood or decking they had to rip up because it was bad. The framers got all of the decking replaced just as the roofers to start the felt paper. It is all working out just fine, we met with an electrition to figure out the lights and plugs that was better than I thought it would be. I don't feel ready for all the final decisions
yet.I need to get ready though don't I .
The house is begining to look like a house! It is huge! I know you all will be ready for it to be complete but just think of all of the memories you are making as a family working together. The kids will always have that memory of helping with the house. Thanksgiving will also be something that you never forget and you will probably never have a Thanksgiving like that again! It won't be like this for long and then what will you do with all your "free time" oh yeah, maybe feed, clean, cook, school four kids...